Ghost in the walls Music Video

Ghost in the walls Music Video

A Music video we produced for Artists Hudson Rose for her latest release “Ghost in the walls”.

The Music video was shot in northern NSW and included some cool VFX to help burn down the house.

Director / DoP: Joel Black

AC: Jared Kaltoum

Assistant: Beau Carter

Post Production:

Editor / VFX / Colourist – Joel Black


Ghost in the walls music video for Hudson Rose by Joel Black of Tommirock
Hudson Rose runs from the fire in the building - Music video by Joel Black
Hudson Rose runs from the fire in the building - Music video by Joel Black

Behind the scenes

On set filming Ghost in the walls for Hudson Rose - Directed by Joel Black
On set filming Ghost in the walls for Hudson Rose - Directed by Joel Black
On set filming Ghost in the walls for Hudson Rose - Directed by Joel Black
On set filming Ghost in the walls for Hudson Rose - Directed by Joel Black
On set filming Ghost in the walls for Hudson Rose - Directed by Joel Black
in post production - Joel Black for Ghost in the walls